Thursday 17 December 2015


You can use this website for games, songs, stories and other things we do in the English class.
The first time, you will need to register using the code inside the cover of your Tiger books.
Then you will choose a user name and a code. Don't forget them!

Podeu utilitzar aquesta web per jocs, contes i altres coses que feim a la classe d'anglès.
La primera vegada, us haureu de registrar utilitzant el codi que hi ha a l'interior de la portada dels llibres Tiger.
Llavors, triareu un nom d'usuari i una contrasenya. No els oblideu!

3, 4 and 5 years old: Christmas!

Christmas! from English teacher on Vimeo.

Tuesday 10 November 2015


This year, we are very pleased to have a native English speaker in collaboration with us in the art and crafts lessons and in some  English lessons too!
This is Alexandra. She comes from California, USA. She started in our school in October and she will be with us until the end of May!
In these pictures, she is talking about her country.